Flowers Montessori School

“The greatest development is achieved during the first years of life, and therefore it is then that the greatest care should be taken. If this is done, then the child does not become a burden; he will reveal himself as the greatest marvel of nature.”

-Dr. Maria Montessori

 Our Curriculum

Following the Montessori Method, our curriculum allows the child to create their own learning pathway. Materials are initially presented by a teacher, after which the child is able to independently select the work as they so choose.

The materials within the prepared environment include the basic skills and concepts necessary for intellectual development, such as language, math, science, and practical life. These all work to actively promote the child's awareness and ability to organize their environment.

Our classes are mixed age group, ranging from 2½ to 6 years of age. This provides opportunities for the older children to learn valuable leadership skills, and offers motivation and problem solving skills to the younger children through observation or direct interaction.


The absorbent mind

Children between the ages of two and six are uniquely receptive to the world around them, and will readily explore and engage with their environment. This allows for the child to easily absorb knowledge, much like a sponge soaking up water.

Additionally, these years contain sensitive periods of the child’s development, during which certain skills and abilities are more easily gained than any other time in their life.

Learn more here

Additional Activities

In order to nourish the child’s development as a whole, we also include an assortment of programs throughout the week, in addition to our core materials. These include:

  • Spanish

  • Sign Language

  • Dance

  • Yoga

  • Gymnastics

  • Music

  • Gardening

Community Involvement

The curriculum is also enriched through occasional special presentations. Often, the presenters are school parents, or connected to a parent in some way! We welcome the opportunity for our students to learn about different cultures, careers, and the world in which they live.


A special presentation on fire safety, with a hands-on tour of the firetruck


Learning about turtle conservation, and the importance of a healthy biosphere