Flowers Montessori School

Our Philosophy

We are committed to helping each child develop personal autonomy, as well as respectful and productive peer relations. We strive to provide education that is tailored to the needs of each student, and that encourages the development of their mental, physical, and emotional abilities. We are constantly evolving and changing our activities, to maintain interest in the materials and inspire independence in our students. We hope to instill effective learning strategies in each child, and kindle a life-long love of learning.

As guides to your children, we continue to grow and learn alongside them. Our daily pledge is to be sensitive to the needs of each child, and to approach them with understanding, patience, and love.

To help meet these goals, we depend on parent encouragement and cooperation. We believe the school and the home are extensions of each other, creating a community in which your child will thrive.


"Now, what really makes a teacher is love for the human child; for it is love that transforms the social duty of the educator into the higher consciousness of a mission."

— Dr. Maria Montessori